Some of the artists who have worked in
orphan recording & Rehearsal studios over the years
Lisa Hannigan, Bell X1, John Grant & Villagers, David Keenan, Mundy, Jerry Fish, Declan O'Rourke, The Riptide Movement, The Hot Sprockets, Billy Bragg & Joe Henry, Joe Jackson, Brave Giant, Malachy Tuohy, Flogging Molly, Rachel Grace, The Frisky Gypsys, The Eskies, The Remedy Club, Old Sea Legs, The Young Folk, September Girls, David Kitt, Damian Dempsey, Paul Brady, Dublin Gospel Choir, Little Hours, The Minutes, Jake Clemons (E-Street Band), New Secret Weapon, Come On Live Long, Richie Egan (Jape), Edisons, Priorland, Trouble Pilgrims, Dylan Tighe, Ross Breen, Arbours, The Address, I Have A Tribe, Michael MacLennan, Black Bank Folk, BP Fallon, Land Lovers, Dr. Millar, We Cut Corners, Merv, The Daily Howl, One Horse Pony, Colm Mac Con Iomaire, October Fires, Together Animals, Rachel Grace, The Crayon Set, And The Ground Will Shake, Baba, Blaithin Dunleavy, Gypsy Rebel Rabble, The Urges, Mongrel State, Donna Dunne, 2 Minutes 2 Midnight, Clive Barnes, The Blue Choir, The Lost Brothers, The Grand Parade, Taken, Alice Jago, Keith Burke, Pale Rivers, Daniel Vezoja, John Sheahan (The Dubliners), Kicking Bird, Oki's Wagon, Dovecote, Eoin Glackin, Gary Tiernan, The Next New Low, Lemoncello, Mike Hanrahan (Stockton’s Wing), Trad Fest, Twin Headed Wolf, Kolumbus, Interference, Luan Parle, Nicole Maguire, Lisa McLaughlin, Turning Pirate, Keith Grace, Lo-Fi Dogma, The Kilkennys, Blue Fish Diamond, Conor Hamilton, Quicksand Band, Our Little Secrets, The Pavement Kings, Meridian Sway, Pete Fagan, Stephen James, Roisin El Cherif, Miriam O'Donohue, Miles Graham, Owen Vahey, C.R Avery, Fanlights, Exploding Eyes, Tomorrows, BBC, RTE, Today FM, Universal Music, Bella Union & EMI plus many many more.....